Vision Statement
Together we inspire one another to love learn respect and forgive; rooted and built up in Christ, so that every member of our school community can develop and flourish; united in mutual respect with a sense of belonging.
Intent of the teaching and learning of Music
We teach high quality Music sessions to develop fundamental skills where all learners can participate, succeed and excel through music as a universal language, which helps to develop creativity.
We believe that an inclusive Music lesson is one where all children are engaged in development of their musical education, where they acquire skills by learning to play an instrument, also where children learn general aspects of music, and of appraising music, which develops their confidence and skills ensuring that values such as respect and truthfulness are always evident.
Implementation of the teaching and learning of Music
The basis for the delivery of Music is the National Curriculum, the aims of which are to ensure that all pupils:
We teach our children to develop the highest forms of creativity whilst learning to appraise, love and appreciate music to increase their self-confidence and sense of achievement.
We want our children to have a wide range of musical experiences and develop an appreciation of different genres as well as to become familiar with music from around the world.
Music lessons create a perfect opportunity to develop children’s creativity and self expression as well as to enhance children’s communication skills through singing, playing an instrument, as well as composing and appraising. We encourage children to collaborate to achieve a range of outcomes but also to compete with each other in friendly competition.
What do our children learn
Throughout Music lessons, pupils will learn key skills, such as communication, problem solving and teamwork.
Physically, pupils will be taught the fundamentals skills such as coordination, which is required in playing any instrument.
Children will learn how to:
Children habitually pick up a range of vocabulary through Music, including Italian terms of music specific terminology and a range of communication skills including both verbal and non-verbal, as well as developing of their visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learning preferences.
Impact of the teaching and learning of Music
Throughout Music lessons pupils are challenged to assess and evaluate their own and others’ performances. Self and peer evaluation gives pupils ownership of their learning, which gives them a sense of responsibility and helps to increase personal motivation and effort. If children can see for themselves the improvements they are capable of making when they put in the effort, then they will certainly continue to do so.
August 2021