This school has adopted a thematic approach to planning. There is a topic for each year group from year 1 upwards.

In each topic there are 2, 3 or 4 lead subjects to ensure full coverage of the skills and knowledge required for each area of the curriculum.

All the other areas of the curriculum, that are not Lead Subjects, will also run through the units but at a lower profile.

Maths and English will be taught daily with links to the topic.

At our school we are using the materials which have been developed by Lancashire County Council in response to the 2014 curriculum as a basis for the learning which is delivered here.

Below is an overview of the topics planned for KS1 and KS2.

On each year group page there is a detailed overview of the current topic.

The National Curriculum

The National Curriculum is divided into four Key Stages that children are taken through during their school life. At primary school, years 1 and 2 follow the Key Stage One curriculum and years 3, 4, 5 and 6 follow the Key Stage Two curriculum. Programmes of study set out what teachers should cover in every subject during each Key Stage.

Primary National Curriculum


Children in our Early Years phase follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, which consists of seven areas of learning. Every half term we will have a broad topic title that will be tailored to meet the needs of the children in our cohort. These are planned on our long term overview below. Throughout the year, adults and children plan what we will learn. As inspiration, most of our learning will be based around a story. Working together to shape our learning and experiences means everyone is motivated and engaged in what we do. Our ideas can take our learning in many exciting directions. For more details on these, please see our termly topic overviews on the EYFS page.

EYFS Framework March 2021

LTP 2021