At St Joseph’s Catholic Voluntary Academy, we are committed to working together with all members of our school community. The children, staff and parents work actively in partnership to enable all children to realise their potential. Our school is an inclusive school where every child matters; we aim to address children’s needs and support their development in the most appropriate way possible and celebrate effort as much as achievement. Our school’s SEND policy document is available on this website, detailing our philosophy in relation to SEND.
We make provision for ALL children including those who have significant learning difficulties and/or disabilities. We support children with…
- Communicating and interacting ‐ for example, where children and young people have speech, language and communication difficulties which make it difficult for them to make sense of language or to understand how to communicate effectively and appropriately with others.
- Cognition and learning ‐ for example, where children and young people learn at a slower pace than others their age, have difficulty in understanding parts of the curriculum, have difficulties with organisation and memory skills, or have a specific difficulty affecting one particular part of their learning performance such as in literacy or numeracy.
- Social, emotional and mental health difficulties ‐ for example, where children and young people have difficulty in managing their relationships with other people, are withdrawn, or if they behave in ways that may hinder their and other children’s learning, or that have an impact on their health and wellbeing.
- Sensory and/or physical needs ‐ for example, children and young people with visual and/or hearing impairments or a physical need that means they must have additional ongoing support and equipment. Some children and young people may have SEN that covers more than one of these areas.
Our staff are trained so that we are able to adapt to a range of special educational needs. For example;
- Specific learning difficulties, including dyslexia (SPLD)
- Autistic spectrum disorders (ASD)
- Speech, language and communication needs (SLCN)
- Behavioural, emotional and social difficulties (BESD)
Family Information – What is the local offer?