The Chaplaincy team at St. Joseph’s supports the Catholic life of the school. Our mission is to enrich the school’s faith life by leading our community in prayer, worship, and the Catholic mission of service, including raising funds and awareness for charities. Additionally, our team plans, leads, and evaluates collective worship sessions in classes, year groups, phases, and whole-school acts of worship. Chaplains are chosen by the students in each class to represent the school through regular meetings with collective worship leaders and specialists. The team also collaborates with other schools in our CMAT to live out the Gospel values, especially Discipleship. Through their dedication to strengthening the sense of community and sharing the love of God, our Chaplains have a significant impact on the Catholic life of the school.

This year, the main role of the chaplaincy team is to support the rest of the school in planning and leading acts of worship. During the important feasts/ seasons of the liturgical year, the chaplaincy team will come together to arrange how they will lead the school in prayer. Together they choose their items for the prayer focus and then plan a liturgy using their own inspiration and the Let Us Pray Resources.