Vision Statement
Together we inspire one another to love learn respect and Forgive, rooted and built up in Christ, so that every member of our school community can develop and flourish; united in mutual respect with a sense of belonging.
Intent of the teaching and learning of Physical Education
We teach high quality PE sessions to develop fundamental skills where all learners can participate, succeed and excel which supports their health, fitness and wellbeing.
We think that an inclusive PE lesson is one where all children are engaged, developing their confidence and skills ensuring that values such as respect and truthfulness are always evident.
Implementation of the teaching and learning of Physical Education
The basis for the delivery of PE is the National Curriculum, the aims of which are to ensure that all pupils:
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy, active lives.
We teach a wide and varied curriculum that ensures that all children, regardless of their starting points, are able to achieve. Our curriculum broadens their knowledge of different forms of physical activity and the effects that they have on the body and mind.
The skills that we teach fully develop the fundamental skills, ensuring they become increasingly competent and confident. Through this development, the children can access increasingly challenging activities through which they are able to extend their agility, balance and coordination.
PE is a perfect opportunity to enhance children’s communication skills. We encourage children to collaborate to achieve a range of outcomes and compete with each other.
What do our children learn –
Throughout Physical Education lessons, and through play, pupils will learn key skills and life lessons, for example, sportsmanship, role modelling and learning how to lose. In KS2, we introduce competitive games and activities to build resilience and self-esteem. Children will experience how it feels to be part of a team and work together to achieve success, as well as learning how to lose in the correct manner.
Physically, pupils will be taught the fundamentals skills such as throwing, catching, jumping, balance and co-ordination. This is taught in every P.E topic but linked to a different sport each term. Teaching pupils a range of different sports and activities increases their knowledge and understanding on the rules and the tactics involved in the game.
Children pick up a range of vocabulary through Physical Education, including sport specific terminology and a range of communication skills including verbal and non-verbal.
Impact of the teaching and learning of Physical Education
Throughout PE lessons pupils are challenged to assess and evaluate their own and others’ performances. Self and peer evaluation gives pupils ownership of their learning which gives them a sense of responsibility and helps to increase motivation and effort. If children can see for themselves the improvements they make when they put in the effort, then they will continue to do so.
Mrs R Abel
Physical Education Long Term Overview 2023 2024
Physical Education Medium Term Plan 2023 2024